IBCA Links of Interest


Take a look at some links connected to basketball and coaching.


www.indianahsbasketball.homestead.com – Indiana High School Basketball from John Harrell. Find those results you may have missed, and who’s next on the schedule for your favorite squad.

Steve Witty Championship Series – The purpose of this and the Giant Championship series is to provide information for coaches that they might find useful for their basketball program and the players they coach. THREE LINKS:   Ben Davis Pamphlet   Flier on Books Available   NEW BOOK JUST PUBLISHED FLIER (2023)  

www.homestead.com/etpearl/welcome.html – The legendary Earl Mishler on high school hoops!  “The Pearl” has been a lifeline for many of us growing up in northern Indiana, and is as knowledgeable as they come to high school hoops.

ExcelHSports  High School Sports Coverage

www.hickoryhusker.rivals.com – A super “basketball” web site for all!

www.usnpl.com/innews.php – A great way to see info on a future opponent, follow a friend’s team, etc. Just find the newspaper that would cover the team of your interest.

Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame An excellent resource connected to all phases of Indiana High School Basketball and its rich heritage..

Indiana High School Athletic Association IHSAA Governing Body.

Find a School Excellent mapping to the schools.

Indiana Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association Athletic Administrators official Website.

Indiana Officials Association Official site of the Indiana Officials Association.

Indiana High School Basketball Historical Society Records and stories from Indiana High School Basketball’s illustrious history.

Clell Wade and Coaches Insider – Interesting videos and articles.

National High School Basketball Coaches Association  

National Federation of State High School Associations

Indiana High School Basketball Record Book    INFORMATION on BOOK    ORDER BLANK. A YEARBOOK (BOYS ONLY) for each year since 1984. All years are available from 1984 to the present, except 1983 & 2020 & 2024 which are sold out. Here is a Cover View